Are you listed in Télé-Pontiac?


Télé-Pontiac is the only phone book that covers all the business and household numbers in MRC Pontiac and the Municipality of Pontiac. Any of the other phone directories published for our area require six different books to get all the numbers listed in Télé-Pontiac. This big print book makes it easy for users to find the numbers they are looking for.

Télé-Pontiac is an invaluable tool for everyone: government services and municipal office numbers are listed; the larger ads make businesses and services you need easy to find; a bilingual categorized business and commerce section lists all types of businesses; and maps of our many communities are a great help for locals and visitors alike.

Reach your customers with Télé-Pontiac

For local business people, Télé-Pontiac is a guaranteed means of reaching new and established customers. Delivered via Canada Post, by mid-January, it will put your business name in the hands of every household in the Pontiac. Everyone uses the Télé-Pontiac!

Télé-Pontiac lists cell phone numbers.

Every effort is made to keep the listings up to date, but, if you have moved, changed numbers, or are new in the community please let us know. Be sure that you are included in the 2023
edition of Télé-Pontiac; fill out the change form on page 28 of this issue and mail it in (address on page 4), or email to or call 819-683-3582 to give your current information. You have until November 18 to send in your changes, or to book your advertising space.
Don’t miss this chance to keep in touch with all your neighbours! (LL)