ART and BBQ event in Quyon


Caleb Armour and Phil Landry explore mural painting.

Carrefour Emploi des Collines held a free BBQ and art activity at the Quyon Family Center on September 24. Phil Landry, an artist and muralist, helped anyone who wanted to try their hand at spray can mural painting. Patrick Dumas, Project and Material Resources Coordinator, explained the activity was to inform the public about their services. Carrefour Emploi des Collines is a centre who helps 15–35 years old with employment. They also provide services to improve living conditions including programs about volunteering, entrepreneurship, social and professional personal autonomy, governance and a program for newcomers. Their office is in Cantley but they travel to different parts of MRC des Collines. An employment councillor comes to the Quyon Family Center twice a month. For more info check