Bristol council: Norway Bay pier assessment

The Norway Bay pier is a hub of activity during the warm months and a favourite fishing spot even when the weather cools. However, time and floods have taken a toll on the aging structure and a professional assessment required repairs has been approved by Bristol council. (DP)

Deborah Powell

BRISTOL – At their monthly meeting on October 2, Bristol council approved an expenditure of $19,980 to W.F. Baird & Associates Coastal Engineers Inc. for an assessment of the Norway Bay pier. The pier, originally constructed in 1913 of steel and wood by the federal government, was purchased by the municipality in 1988 and is showing its age.

“An engineering assessment of the condition of the Norway Bay pier will be undertaken in the next few weeks. The pier’s deteriorating condition has been worsened by repeated flooding in the past few years. Council knows how important the pier is to the life of our community. In addition to residents, visitors from all parts of the MRC Pontiac and beyond arrive daily to swim, fish, boat and enjoy the beauty Norway Bay has to offer,” said Councillor Valerie Twolan-Graham.

Council also accepted a bid of $309,763 from Industries CAMA to build a new beach service chalet at MacLellan Park. Work is already underway to prepare the site and install a new septic system.

A resolution was passed to apply for funding through the Quebec government’s financial aid program for recreational, sports and outdoor infrastructure that can cover up to 60% of project costs.