Bryson Winter Mini-Carnival

Boot hockey players battle slush at the Bryson Winter Mini-Carnival. (CW)

A SLUSHY WINTER CARNIVAL – A stark contrast from last year’s weather brought a new set of challenges to the Bryson RA in running the Winter Mini-Carnival. During last year’s event, the temperature hovered around a frigid 40 below. This year, mild, above-zero temperatures, and rain threatened the winter setting.

According to RA representative Meghan Griffin, although the activities planned for Friday, February 9 were cancelled, the organizers decided to forge ahead with a slightly modified schedule on Saturday in hopes that the community would come out. The organizers weren’t disappointed as many families showed up for a day of fun and games.

On Saturday morning, children played in a mini hockey rink for the wee tykes, and there was axe throwing and basketball challenges for the bigger kids. The games were provided by Experio of Gatineau. A food concession was also on site.

The coed boot hockey tournament for adults was played by five teams from all over the Pontiac. The slushy conditions provided a challenging venue, but all the participants looked to be having a great time as they played elimination rounds. In the end, the Malette Electrique team came out on top, taking home a cash prize of $200.

– Clifford Welsh