CISSSO User Committee AGM


Local healthcare users committee holds first annual general meeting
Sophie Demers

Local Journalism Initiative 

SHAWVILLE – The local healthcare users committee held their first annual general meeting September 23 at the CLSC in Shawville. Formed earlier this year, the Pontiac user committee advocates for the rights of healthcare system users and addresses their concerns.

According to committee president Jennifer Larose, the meeting was well attended with over 25 present. The agenda included review of administrative work for the committee and addressing recent concerns about food quality for patients within the medical system.

After receiving complaints about food quality, the user committee launched an investigation, and work is being done to improve the situation. “This is just one example of what we do and how we advocate for the healthcare system’s users. We have more work planned,” said Larose.

Representatives from the Centre intégré de santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais (CISSSO) were also present, however CISSSO was unable to respond to an interview request by press time.

Jean Pigeon, the director of the Gatineau Health Foundation and representative for the activist organization SOS Outaouais, was invited to discuss the challenges facing the healthcare system in the region.

SOS Outaouais is a newly formed coalition that seeks to unite the voices of citizens to address the current state of the healthcare system, including the disparity in access and quality of healthcare in the Outaouais compared to other regions in Quebec.

According to the Outaouais Development Observatory, an organization linked to the University of Quebec in Outaouais, in terms of funding, there is $450 missing per resident in the Outaouais. In other words, there is a $180 million per year deficit in healthcare funding for the region.

Pigeon also highlighted salary issues for healthcare workers, which must be raised to compete with Ontario positions. The activist stated that SOS Outaouais was well received by participants.