Hockey tourney nets $4000 for Sports Complex


Photo: The four teams along with organizer Hugh Martin and Upper Pontiac Sports Complex Board President Ivan Schryer pose for a photo.

Peter L.Smith

L’Isle-aux-Allumettes-A 12-hour hockey tournament held Saturday March 25 at the Upper Pontiac Sports Complex raised over $4000. Proceeds will be used to purchase a new edger.

Hugh Martin from Renfrew organized the four-team tournament which registered players from all over the Ottawa Valley who played six games throughout the one day event. The 50/50 draw of $180 was won by Mark Martin who donated the proceeds back to the fundraiser. Three of the four teams played back-to-back games, and this is the second year Martin has organized a tournament in Chapeau.

Martin has been organizing fundraisers of this type for the past 4-5 years in various communities in memory of his late daughter Kyla Simmons (Kyla’s Kids club). Kyla was a player, coach and employee of the Beachburg Recreation Association. The winter season wrapped up at the end of March for the Upper Pontiac Sports Complex.