Looking for the lines


An open letter to Warden Jane Toller

I’m writing in hope that you, with the assistance and backing of the MRC council, can help citizens with the fact that Quebec’s Ministry of Transport (MTQ) plays hide and seek with the paint needed to mark the lines on Highway 148.

It’s bewildering to see some sections of the highway painted with clearly visible lines and others not. At night, drivers use the lines to track through the curves and corners of
the highway. It’s a very important safety consideration, especially for seniors.

For example, the curve at the intersection of Bristol Mine Road and Highway 148 isn’t freshly painted. That section of road can be treacherous, so keeping the lines clearly visible should be top priority. However, it seems road lines are painted by section according to some pre-established schedule, not based on real conditions. The policy seems to be a
haphazard application of road safety sense.

I ask that the MRC council strongly lobby the MTQ to address the lack of attention to the condition of lines on the highway and that you seek immediate rectification of a failed policy. Public safety demands it.

Carl Hager,