MRC meeting


MRC Meeting “Fix it!” demands Alleyn-et-Cawood

Bonnie James
Local Journalism Initiative

MRC PONTIAC – The MRC Pontiac’s Council of Mayors’ (CoM) monthly meeting was held September 18 at the MRC headquarters in Litchfield.

John Petty & Rick Valin recognized

In a special presentation, MRC Warden Jane Toller presented former Terry Fox Run organizers John Petty and Rick Valin with framed scrolls thanking them for 40 years of “dedication, determination, and leadership” in the event’s organization and their contributions to the community. Toller said the men raised more than $500,000 for cancer research over the years. She then presented them both with Pontiac Paddles of Accomplishment, the highest award given by the MRC.

Toller then presented new organizers Carolann Barton and Jennifer Mielke with flower bouquets, thanking them for “taking the torch”. Mielke said this year’s event has raised $7,735 to date.

Nicole Boucher-Larivière, CISSSO Local Services Network Director for Pontiac, also attended to speak about the success of the Centre D’Accueil Pontiac’s (CAP) recent open house, which welcomed more than 200 visitors to tour new upgrades to the facility.

She thanked the community for their support of local medical imaging technicians in their fight for pay parity and concluded by explaining the new yellow card system; bilingual healthcare workers now wear a yellow card to indicate their ability to provide service in English.

Fix it!
Alleyn-et-Cawood (AC) residents, property evaluation task force members, and municipal officials came out in force, 22 strong, in support of a proposed bylaw eliminating the comparative factor from the calculation of municipal shares and using only the current global municipal evaluation in the calculation instead.

Isabelle Cardinal, AC director general, told the Journal they expected the bylaw to be presented at the meeting and a Notice of Motion given. However, that wasn’t the case. Toller said council had the proposed bylaw but wasn’t yet ready to present it and would go ahead with the Notice.

Angela Giroux, Task Force Chair, said they’re concerned the MRC’s bylaw may only cap the comparative factor and not eliminate it. She asked Toller to promise the bylaw would be voted on as proposed, but Toller said she could not as they’re working on a bylaw that will be “fair for everyone.”

During the media scrum following the meeting, Kim Lesage, MRC director general, said removing the comparative factor from the calculation of the shares could benefit some municipalities, but hurt others; if removed, municipalities that haven’t experienced any recent development would end up having their shares increased.

Senior resident Gayle Presley pleaded to council, saying she would lose her home if her increased evaluation stands. Presley said: “I’m done.” and walked out of the meeting, when Toller suggested there’s a $500 tax credit available to help seniors who’ve experienced an increase in their property tax.

FRR 2 projects approved
Council moved to approve the most recent round of FRR 2 projects recommended by the Structuring Projects Analysis Committee. A total of 25 projects were submitted in response to the call, which went out in May. Of the projects submitted, 11 were selected to receive a combined total of $597,992 from the $600,000 envelope.

Of the projects selected, the largest amounts of funding will go to: Parc des Chutes Coulonge ($100,000) for their park expansion, the Municipality of Fort-Coulonge ($96,980) for the installation of a self-cleaning restroom at Parc Centenaire, and the Municipality of Shawville ($87,321) towards phase 2 of the Mill Dam Park improvements.