MRC Pontiac expands Regional Art Collection 


MRC Pontiac Interim Director General Kim Lesage (middle) receives new selections for the Regional Art collection, from artists Nikki Buechler (left) and Jelly Massee (right).

Phil Daniels
CAMPBELL’S BAY – The MRC Pontiac will soon have two new artworks on display as part of their Regional Art Collection. Following a call to artists, the Council of Mayors has approved the purchase of two works by local artists, Nikki Buechler from Shawville and Jelly Massee from l’Île-du-Grand-Calumet. The pieces were delivered to the MRC on Friday, January 20.

“This collection gives visitors the opportunity to view a curated collection of fine art created by Pontiac artists. We are delighted to add two paintings this year and that both paintings are thematically significant to the Pontiac,” explained Sabrina Ayres, Economic Development Commissioner.

Jelly Massee’s piece ‘Pontiac Fiddlers’ is a sepia-toned depiction of Alphonse and Emilien Chartrand playing their fiddles during the depression era. Massee is a prolific artist with a fondness for historical subjects. Her painting ‘Sugar Bush’ was selected to be part of the collection by last year’s committee.

Le Hibou Rouge (The Red Owl) by Nikki Buechler was inspired by her sighting of an owl shortly after moving to the Pontiac. This piece is composed from alcohol ink on mineral paper.
The public collection represents a diverse range of styles, and is instrumental in recognizing local artists who have ‘marked the Pontiac artistic community over time.’