Otter Lake 50+ Dinner & Dance

Kitchen volunteers at the 50+ Club Valentine’s Dinner & Dance: L/R - Kevin Gervais, James Langsford, Kaigh Anne Lafleur-Gervais, Mayor Terry Lafleur, Kris Cartier, and 50+ Club President Janet Lafleur. (CAD)

Crystal Dubeau
OTTER LAKE – The Otter Lake RA Hall (Raymond Johnston Centre) was festively decorated for the 50+ Club’s annual Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance, February 17. Local volunteers served 160 roast beef and ham dinners. Local band Classic Rhythm kept the dance floor full, playing a mixture of rock & roll and country music. The bar was run by the Otter Lake RA Committee, with profits going toward the rink roof project. The 50/50 was divided and won by Jeannine Beauregard and Muriel Laprise, each taking home $137. “Wasn’t that a party! It was a great time, the meal was awesome, the music kept us on the floor, the house was full and there were so many great friends,” said local Viola Gauthier.

The 50+ Club uses proceeds from their events to fund supplies and activities and to make donations to local projects and organizations.