Fifteen Blanding’s turtles hatchlings from Clarendon are off to the Biodome in Montreal to be given a good head start of one or two years before being returned to their home territory. Their survival comes thanks to Ron Tubman who protected the nest after seeing the turtle lay her eggs on his property, June 20. He then kept them safe after hatching, September 4, and got in touch with local turtle friend, Jennifer Haughton. Haughton, in turn, contacted the Quebec Wildlife Ministry, resulting in a team coming to pick up the hatchlings Thursday evening. “I just wanted to make sure they got a good start”, said Tubman, who sees Blanding’s turtles pass through his neighbourhood every year and is aware that the survival rate of hatchlings can be as low as 1%.
Blanding’s turtles are listed as threatened or at risk in all areas where they occur. Head start programs are run in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Quebec.
Except in special cases, it is generally not recommended to handle or transport hatchlings, or any size turtle, unless there is immediate risk, such as road crossing, in which case they can be helped along in whatever direction they are heading. – Deborah Powell
Photo – A baby Blanding’s turtle, hatched September 4 in Clarendon. (Jennifer Haughton)