Pontiac Council Report


Mo Laidlaw
Local Journalism Initiative

The monthly council meeting was held December 12 at the Luskville Community Centre.

Reports on three road improvement projects in 2023 were approved in order to receive grants from the Québec local roads assistance program (PAVL) for a total of $180,000.

The municipality’s contribution for 2024 to TransCollines’ transport service on Highway 148 is $81,330 and MRC Pontiac’s is $162,660. This leaves $357,733 to be paid by various Ministry of Transport grants while user revenue is estimated at $24,800.

A program of work to receive a contribution from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (TECQ/gas tax) was approved.

Four employees who didn’t use their paid days off in 2023 will be paid a total of $14,876 in lieu.

Garage Trudeau Collision will be paid $1,872 in compensation for boxes of car parts mistakenly picked up by the recycling crew.

An agreement to set up a specialized rescue team with the City of Ottawa and the MRC des Collines was approved.

The Federation of Québec Municipalities (FQM) will provide engineering and planning expertise when the municipality requires it.

Public works
Two offers were received for a public works pick-up truck; Automobile Carrera’s offer for $46,995 plus tax was accepted.

Three contracts are awarded to Michel Duval for maintaining ice rinks at Quyon Park ($11,612, which includes a small secondary rink for young children), Luskville Park ($9,313) and Davis Park in Breckenridge ($9,313). Two tenders were received for each rink and these were the lowest.

The FQM will carry out a survey to repair chemin Thérien for $29,700 plus tax.

Bylaw 11-23 was passed to allow special projects (PPCMOI) to be approved even if they don’t comply with planning bylaws. See the municipal website for details on the bylaw.

The offer to buy the lot owned by the municipality next to 1025 ch du Saphir to install a septic system was accepted.

Lots at 21 and 39 chemin Bergeron were removed from the flood property sell list and residents were reminded that purchase offers for flood properties must be from adjacent lot owners.

Recreation and culture
Library late fees were abolished following the lead of over 500 public libraries in Québec. However, damaged or lost books must be replaced.

The municipality donated $1,000 to Centraide to assist citizens and support community organizations.

Two contracts with Conception Plein-Air (David Massé) for development plans for Quyon and Luskville Parks were cancelled.