Sheenboro made the wrong decision about Trout Lake Road


I am writing on behalf of the taxpayers of Trout Lake Road in Sheenboro after attending the July 8 municipal council meeting where council moved to transfer responsibility for the road to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MRNF); a decision that we disagree with.

Trout Lake Road is an important route that’s home to one permanent resident, lots that have recently sold, numerous outfitters, and a campground. If the MRNF takes responsibility for the road, they won’t be obligated to maintain it, and this important route may be neglected.

Council was initially at an impasse with a vote of three in favour and three against returning the road to the Ministry. Mayor Doris Ranger broke the tie with a vote in favour of the transfer. We ask the three councillors in favour of the transfer, and the mayor, to reconsider and ensure that the road continues to be maintained.

I reached out to Gail Sullivan, regional director for Outaouais-Laurentides sector of MRNF with questions: why does the MRNF want to acquire the road? What purpose will it serve? She replied that: “The Ministry of Transport is moving provincially to transfer authority for
this type of road in these types of situations to the MRNF…The vast majority of penetration roads are classed as multi-resource roads under the MRNF.

It is simpler for one Ministry to hold jurisdiction over the road.” She also confirmed the MRNF are not obligated to maintain the public sections of the road.

The issue is expected to be back on the agenda for the August council meeting as many questions and concerns remain unanswered.

Mike Allard,