St. Mary’s Teachers College reunion


St. Mary’s Teachers College celebrates 100 years of learning

Peter L. Smith

L’ISLE-AUX-ALLUMETTES – Forty graduates from St. Mary’s Teachers College’s Class of 1957-68, and their spouses, gathered for their 56th reunion, June 22 at the former St. Joseph Convent, next door to what was once St. Mary’s Teachers College (now part of Dr. Wilbert Keon School). The convent is now privately owned by Rejean Marion who hosted the event with a home cooked meal for the group. Some former students journeyed from various places in the Pontiac and Renfrew Country, Montreal, Trois Rivieres, Magog, and St. John’s, NB. There were 82 graduates from over those years.

The theme this year was “celebrating a century of learning”. Chapeau Normal School was founded in 1940 thanks to the work of the late Father D. J. Harrington. The Sisters of St. Joseph staffed the school. During the 15 years, Chapeau Normal School educated about 300 teachers; French, English, or bilingual. In its last 14 years, 412 English students graduated.

In 1955, the Normal School became St. Mary Teacher’s College, and in September 1969, it became the Saint-Joseph’s Centre when the universities took over teacher training. Saint-Joseph Centre offered various programs to the Christian community.

In the early years, St. Mary’s was only open to young women, but registration opened to males in 1963. Ten young men enrolled, eight of whom were fresh out of high school. Graduate Brian Sarsfield was one of the event organizers.

When students from the Class of 1964 graduated, Dean A.J. Welbourne encouraged them to “ever remain worthy of your great and challenging vocation. Educate rather than instruct. An ancient Italian proverb says the good teacher is like the candle which lights others while consuming itself”.

Photos of the graduates and faculty members were displayed on the walls of the former convent. Graduates also toured the former St. Mary’s Teachers College.

Graduate Lois Parkinson, Class of 1968, reminisced: “I have many fond memories of St. Mary’s Teacher’s College… I enjoyed the photos and reminiscing. I recall the singing groups and the theatre productions……so much fun.”

Angie Retty, Class of 1957, shared memories: “For some of us from out of town, going home on weekends wasn’t an option due to distance. Local families would drop by and take us to their farms for a visit. We got to attend some Wednesday night dances at the local hall and that was a treat.”

Photo – From back L/R: Andre Pilon, Danny Donlan, Denzel Spence, Brian Sarsfield, David Maloney (1966), Gracie Sullivan McGuire, Kathleen Sullivan Ranger, Margaret Sullivan, Sandra Herault, Anne Johnston Brian, Clara Keon O’Brien, Lois Adam Parkinson (1966), Mary Teresa Berrigan Kidd, Colleen Dunnigan Donlan, Jacqueline Isabel Collins, Mary Dugan Lavoie (1967), Eleanor Kelly Keon (1966), Marion Morin Pare, Gerald Venasse (1966), Marilyn Conroy, Angela Retty, Janie Carroll, Luella Watters, Muriel Kelly. (PS)