Way to go Pontiac!


Terry Fox Day, September 18th, was a rainy day in the Pontiac, an organizer’s worst nightmare. Despite that, many people still found a way to participate in the inclement weather and honour this brave young man. Terry began his “Marathon of Hope” way back in 1980 and forty-two years later his legacy is still growing. Terry’s courage and determination has set the bar for tasks deemed not possible. Local organizers of the event are also proud to be still involved. A big salute goes out to the Shawville Lions Club, Shawville Rotary, MRC Pontiac, many local businesses and to the entire community for the inspiration and dedication that has kept this event going.

One of Terry`s hopes was to “Just make a difference”. The people of Pontiac have certainly done their share. Betty Fox, Terry’s mom, came here in 2003 when she addressed the students of PHS and the Terry Fox student run was born. This year over 300 students participated in the event.

They raised $1,400 from a BBQ and over $3,000 in total. Staff organizer, Tara Fitzpatrick, credits the school’s success to the support of administration, staff and of course to the students themselves. This year, a member of the Terry Fox Foundation came to the school to laud the efforts of the students.

This year’s community run raised over $8,000 and together with the high school contribution over $10,000 will be sent to the Terry Fox Foundation. Organizers estimate that over half a million dollars has been raised by the Pontiac since our first run in 1981!

Yes, we are inching closer to completing Terry`s dream. Organizers Rick Valin and John Petty appreciate your efforts. Way to go Pontiac! You have made a difference! Let`s keep it going.

John Petty