A new step for the Journal!


This newspaper, The Pontiac Journal, is taking another step in improving our news gathering and presentation from all parts of the Pontiac — MRC Pontiac, the Municipality of Pontiac, the federal and provincial ridings of the Pontiac, plus the very general and historical “Pontiac”, a huge, beautiful region with a distinct and illustrious history. And we’d like your help.

Since it began, over 35 years ago, the Journal has innovated and experimented with improving and streamlining its service to our citizens, readers, our local-to-federal candidates and governments, associations and events-operators, and to our region’s many businesses which seek better means to reach their vast but diffuse market, and all this in both languages. We were one of Canada’s first truly bilingual community newspapers, distributed free to every household and business. From the traditional newspaper with a publisher, editor, staff of reporters and correspondents, proof-readers and fact-checkers, translators and designers, plus the sales, business’ office and financial team, the Journal has tried several models. We decentralized, which served well during the pandemic, and now we are about to improve again.

The Journal seeks to hire local people, our neighbours and Pontiac’s next generation, providing about a dozen jobs of varying capacities to Pontiac’s media readers. Today we are building a new managerial team. We need your help — yes, you! Consider our plan and, especially, we ask you to pass on information of these new opportunities to other Pontiac folks.

We’re seeking bilingual applicants for a position combining both business management and news-gathering responsibilities — managing news leads and reporters, editing, plus managing the office’s payroll and local expenses, etc. This is a permanent, salaried or contract position. New team-members will be supported by the team who own and manage, besides the Journal, Le Bulletin d’Aylmer, The West Quebec Post, and Le Bulletin de Gatineau — West Quebec’s largest newspaper group. We reach a population of over 50,000 readers!

My appeal to you is to consider becoming a member of this team, yourself — or, at least to join in helping us expand. Would these tasks make your own working life more rewarding? What about any of YOUR family or relatives, neighbours and even visitors (who wish they could find a way to move here!). Can you help us and help your neighbours in this new challenge?

If so, send us a letter of introduction by email to this address: info@journalpontiac.com. Tell us your interests and accomplishments. We’ll read all with care and get back to you quickly. Let’s take yet another step together, Pontiac!