Bristol Community Association host Bike Safety Day


Photo: Blythe Russell with her mom Kari Richardson and SQ Sergeant Frédéric Gagnon. Blythe was just one of the close to 30 children who came out for Bike Safety and Fun Day.

The Bristol Community Association (BCA) held a Bike Safety and Fun Day at the rink park in Norway Bay, June 3. “There are lots of kids outside on bikes and safety is really important,” said SQ Sergent Frédéric Gagnon. “It’s always important for us to do outreach in the community. I’m the ‘godfather’ of the municipality and I live here too, so I’m happy to get out and meet people and be involved in these local activities,” he continued.

“Girl Guides used to offer a bike safety session for their members, but didn’t this year, so we thought it would be a great idea to hold it as a community event,” said BCA President Anne McConnell. The BCA provided snacks, hotdogs and drinks as well as a prize draw. The Bristol Fire Department was on hand with fire trucks to give children tours. Kids also had a chance to check out Sergeant Gagnon’s police truck and get a bracelet safety whistle.

Deborah Powell