Pontiac High School Girl’s Rugby Team Cleans Up at Finals


Photo: Pontiac High School girl’s rugby team: Lana Gibbons, Nora Park, Emma Feenstra, Kira Paulin, Hannah Twolan, Brooklyn Lewis, Emma Smith, Paige Dubeau, Justine Beaudoin and Jaycie Hodgins along with coach Phil Holmes.

Pontiac High School’s girls 7’s rugby team took home the gold in the Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec finals, June 4, crushing Grand-Rivière (27-0) in the semi-final. They then played a near perfect game, according to coach Phil Holmes, to defeat the team from Darcy McGee (20-0) that had been undefeated all season up until then. “The key to their victory was they hit hard and had fun,” Holmes said proudly, adding that most of the girls played rugby for the first time this past fall and worked hard throughout the winter.

Deborah Powell