Campbell’s Bay Winter Carnival


It was a busy day at the Campbell’s Bay skating rink, when the winter carnival returned on February 19. Various activities, including skating, sledding, snowshoeing, etc. were held throughout the afternoon. There was also snow castle building using equipment Maison des Jeunes donated. The carnival was a resounding success, bringing families and children from all around the area together to enjoy the mild weather. One of the highlights was a puppet show put on by volunteer Joseph Bouchard, which captivated children and added to the festive atmosphere. In addition to the activities, there was also complimentary food for everyone. Thanks to the hard work of organizers and volunteers, including the Municipality of Campbell’s Bay, Stéphanie Herbert Shea, Joseph Bouchard and Raymond Pilon, the carnival was well organized and attended. “We’re happy to have a winter carnival this year, considering this is the first we’ve had since February 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Stéphanie. (WD)