Carl Hager
DES COLLINES SENIORS’ SERVICES CELEBRATES 15TH ANNIVERSARY – An anniversary party marking the fifteenth year of operations for Des Collines Senior Services was attended by more than 50 people. The event was held at the Larrimac Golf Course Clubhouse in Chelsea on Friday afternoon, March 15. Attendees included current representatives of the seven municipalities forming the group, including Susan Lamont, representative for the Municipality of Pontiac; former members of the board of directors; current employees; volunteers who assist the organization in its work with seniors; and special guests such as Chelsea Mayor Pierre GuĂ©nard and Gatineau MNA Robert Bussière.
The event was catered by Traiteur Brazeau and a toast was made heralding continued success for the group. Since its inception fifteen years ago, Des Collines Senior Services, formerly known as La Table autonome des aînés des Collines, has doubled in size and in the scope of its work. The organization’s efforts are supported by CISSSO, the Municipality of La Pêche, and the Saputo corporation.
Carole Dagenais, newly appointed president, said: “We strive to find solutions that respond to the needs and interests of seniors in des Collines. We help with doctor’s appointments, housekeeping chores, transportation and respond to other needs that arise.”
In memento, all guests received a coffee mug with the organization’s logo.