The Upper Pontiac Sports Complex is in full swing


Kids enjoy the Free Skating Friday, November 18, thanks to the sponsor, Georges Regal Beagle from Chichester.

The adult hockey league has the ice Monday and Thursday while Chapeau Minor Hockey takes their turn each Saturday from 9 am-1 pm. Wednesday nights feature open skating from 6 pm-8 pm at a cost of $1.00 for kids and $2.00 for adults. A big hit at the Sports Complex is the Friday night free skate from 6 pm-8 pm, thanks to the sponsors. The Wrangler Cafe is staffed by volunteer students from Dr. Wilbert Keon high School who serve up food and beverages.

The Upper Pontiac Sports Complex, in existence for 40 years, is run by a board of volunteers who look after all aspects of the arena. The Upper Pontiac municipalities (Chichester, Sheenboro, Waltham and L’Isle-aux-Allumettes) and the Caisse populaire des Rivieres de Pontiac (Chapeau) all contribute financially. Ice rentals are available by contacting Robert Chaffe at 819-689-5504.