Luskville restaurant destroyed by fire


Carl Hager

LUSKVILLE – A family of four living in the basement apartment of the restaurant “Au Coin de Camionneur” lost everything when fire raged through the building on Sunday evening, January 29. Situated at the intersection of Hwy 148 and the Eardley-Masham Road, the wooden structure was completely destroyed. Firefighters from the Municipality of Pontiac and La Pêche responded, with the fire lasting through most of the night because of the cold conditions. It is believed it started in the attic. Passersby noticed the smoke and were able to alert the family.

The family has since found emergency accommodations with relatives living in Quyon. The Quyon Lionnettes were quick to respond with their usual donation for such situations, and other donations are being accepted at the Pontiac Dépanneur located across the highway from the scene of the fire.

The restaurant had recently reopened, offering take-out service. Ski-dooers and ATVers often used the parking lot for their trailers and the restaurant as a base.