New federal dental care plan starting


There is good news for Pontiacers looking for help with covering the costs of dental care.

Pressured by the federal NDP to doing something about giving Canadians dental care benefits, and in the face of hostile criticism by the federal Conservatives who oppose the plan, the Liberals in the current minority Parliament have created a new National Dental Care Benefit program for children under 12.

Considering that families earning less than $90,000 can benefit from the new plan, it will help many children in the Pontiac whose families have found dental costs sky rocketing and not affordable.

To access benefits and to get more details about eligibility it is necessary to apply to the Canada Revenue Agency (or Service Canada).

Dental health is a key to overall health. Long overdue, this interim plan is but a first step towards the implementation of a comprehensive National dental care program, expected in about two years, The plan will then provide coverage for seniors and Canadians of other age groups.

Carl Hager
Gatineau, Quebec