Overamped Power


I feel that we, the people of North America, have over-amped the roles of president and prime minister, and have thus surrendered our personal and collective power to fellows who are, by definition, too big for their own britches. Who else would want such a job? Well, somebody has to do it, and I stand by my long-held beliefs that it should be someone of good character. We’re all out of perfect people, so I will settle for someone who doesn’t lie all the time, doesn’t prevaricate about the sizes of rally crowds, doesn’t promise to fix “this mess we’re in”, doesn’t blame all the problems of the day on their predecessor, and doesn’t vow to be a dictator “only on the first day”. When, in the history of humankind, has any dictator peaceably surrendered fascist power?

I don’t believe our nations are in terrible shape – from all I hear, we have luxuries and conveniences unparalleled in the history of civilization. So, don’t be fooled into thinking your life is miserable and your rights are being trampled, and that politician X is going to miraculously change everything for the better. The best a government can do is take care of necessary business and stay out of the way of citizens.

That’s not to say that there aren’t matters to be dealt with, by governments, from the municipalities up, but step-by-step progress is much easier to live with than chaotic revolution. Let’s say you’re going down the road, and someone is coming toward you on the wrong side of the road; do you slow down and swerve to avoid the collision, or do you slam pedal to the metal and give a rebel yell, as you collide head on with the oncoming traffic? There’s your 25-cent metaphor for the day.

Robert Wills,
Shawville and Thorne