My thanks to all who have encouraged the MRC Pontiac to pursue an Energy from Waste facility. We are in the process of developing a business plan. The research is international, sourced from Denmark, already well advanced with waste diversion from landfill.
The Pontiac deserves a fair chance to grow and attract industry but we need to keep an open mind. We are at a preliminary stage; lets see what is recommended — this information will be shared with everyone. We also will have a good length of time for public education and understanding of the project’s potential.
It is amazing how many people see themselves as “experts.” The real truth is we lack expertise and that is why we are working with global experts, bringing us thirty-two years of experience. They currently are working on many projects: one an incinerator in Singapore (to process two million tons of annual waste) and another in Prince Edward Island with only fifty thousand tons annually.
I am concerned about the information flyer circulated by “Friends of the Pontiac”. This new group spoke at our last Council meeting and provided us with their literature which demonstrates that they have limited understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. Their statements of danger to health and the environment are speculation and fear-mongering. They ask residents to sign a petition. Their petition on is national — not just for the Pontiac. This negative bias includes a picture showing billowing black smoke! There are no incinerators in the world today which could operate with emissions like that! I have written them explaining these errors and requested that they change their literature.
Please contact me if you have concerns. I would be pleased to answer questions and if I do not have the answers, I will find them for you.
Finally, I ask everyone to keep an open mind. I believe that we should seize every opportunity open to us. Stay tuned! (Edited)
Jane Toller
MRC Pontiac