Pontiac council meeting: Home composting compulsory


Mo Laidlaw
Local Journalism Initiative

MUNICIPALITY OF PONTIAC – Seven residents attended the municipality’s monthly council meeting, October 10 at the Luskville Community Centre.

Council supported the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ call to add municipal building projects, flood retention structures, docks and fire barriers to projects eligible for funding through the gas tax program (TECQ). Additional money is required and regular increases are necessary to adapt to the consequences of climate change. Canada and Québec governments are negotiating an agreement for 2024-2028, which must be concluded soon to allow for budget planning.

Council supported a request to the Minister of Public safety for fair funding of the MRC des Collines police service, which must provide the same service as a town of 100,000 to 200,000 people (the population is about 55,000.) It must have a crime scene department instead of calling on the SQ, adding to costs. MRC citizens fund the MRC police through municipal taxes, as well as contributing to the Police Services Fund through provincial taxes.

Other Administration
Solutions Acoustiques 2012 was awarded a $27,830 contract for acoustic panels to improve sound quality at the Quyon Community Centre.

Bylaw 9-23 was adopted to replace bylaw 10-16 on the collection of garbage and recycling. A major change is that composting organic matter is now compulsory. Owners or occupiers may buy a composter from the municipality to compost things like fruit, vegetables, meat, plants, dead leaves, grass cuttings, branches, soiled paper and cardboard. As an exception, there will be special collections of leaves and garden residue in paper bags. Pet feces may be put in the garbage as long as it’s contained in bags.

Mountainview Turf was the only bidder for the snow removal contract for sector C and was awarded the contract, for $247,561 for 2023-4, $253,750 for 2024-5 and $260,094 for 2025-6, taxes included.

Only one offer was received to supply a snow removal truck, from Bryan Lance for $25,904. This purchase was approved.

The coordinator of Recreation, Community Life and Communications was authorized to start working on Pontiac Country Music Festival (Festival country de Pontiac) 2024.