UPSC hosts March break skate


Children interested in improving their skating or learning new techniques had the opportunity to do so during March break. The Upper Pontiac Sports Complex, in conjunction with Valley Apex of Pembroke, registered 25 children in age groups 6-8 years and 9-12 years for the ‘Learn to Train 2.0’ from March 6 to 10 at the facility. Sponsors DC Grocery, Bar & Tackle, Dubeau Grocery, Chapeau Minor Hockey Association, Caisse Desjardins des Rivieres de Pontiac, Chapeau and District Lions Club, Chapeau Recreation Association and the UPSC Board allowed the UPSC to refund part of the registration fee to parents.

Photo: Children practise their skating techniques during Learn to Train 2.0 hosted by the Upper Pontiac Sports Complex during March break.