Western QC Literacy Council AGM


Western Quebec Literacy Council celebrates 40 years at AGM
Dale Shutt

CAMPBELL’S BAY – The Western Quebec Literacy Council (WQLC) held its annual general meeting, October 19. The WQLC is in its fortieth year of operation and is supported by the Ministère de l’education Québec and the federal government.

Working in conjunction with Connexions Resource Centre, the WQLC’s programs are oriented toward youth, adults, families, and seniors. Their mission is to “help English-speaking people improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking, numeracy, and other life skills through programs adapted to their needs.”

Since its beginning, the WQLC has offered one-on-one literacy tutoring for adults and children. Their clientele has grown steadily. In the past year, volunteer tutoring hours totaled 740, a 21% increase over previous years.

The new Family Activity Club pilot program, aimed at providing families with opportunities to practice literacy skills together through fun and practical activities, has been a success with a total of 438 participants.

They’ve also expanded their definition of ‘literacy’ to include technological subjects, offering courses like Introduction to Computers, Cell Phone Security, and Internet Research.

The AGM elected a new board which included three new directors. One of the new directors is Pontiac Warden Jane Toller. “I didn’t come intending to join, but was very impressed with their annual report and noticed the MRC hasn’t been a partner. If there’s a way we can become more involved, that would be a good thing,” said Toller.

When asked why he has been a director for 11 years, Rick Valin said it’s all about education; “My involvement is an extension of what I did for a living as a teacher. It keeps me involved with the Adult Education Centre where I teach history and math as WQLC volunteer. I also work at the Pontiac Reception Centre (CAP) where we read to residents.”

Anyone interested in becoming a member, volunteer or client can visit the WQLC office at 120 Front Street in Campbell’s Bay or contact them through their website at wqlc.org

Photo – Newly elected WQLC Board of Directors L/R: Sabrina Ayres, Jane Toller, Nikki Buechler, Katherine Macgregor, and Rick Valin. Missing from photo: Jesse Poirier and Phenyo Poirier. (DS)