Let’s get started

Landfill at garbage collection center

The decision on the incinerator has been made – it’s in the rearview now, but going forward, how can we achieve a zero-waste future or send much less to transfer stations?

The lowest hanging fruit is separating food waste from plastic waste. To those already doing this: thank you, you’re part of the change securing a good future for our children. To those not there yet: what do you need to start?

Are Pontiac grocery stores separating food waste from plastic and composting it? If not, what’s needed to help that happen?

At the transfer stations, is there professional help and funding available to set up a free store and composting station?

Change is hard. It can seem like sacrifice, but consumerism isn’t that
satisfying when we’re left with tonnes of garbage in its wake.

We can help each other through this transition.

Leila Nulty