Chantal Lair-Community Development Coordinator of the Municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes listens to suggestions for the Seniors Policy during the brainstorming sessions Thursday, November 17 at Harrington Community Centre.
Peter L.Smith
L’ISLE-AUX-ALLUMETTES – Two public meetings were held Thursday, November 17 (afternoon and evening) at the Harrington Community Centre to brainstorm changes to the seniors’ policy and action plan, for those 50 years and older within the community. Chantal Lair, Community Development Coordinator, and Alicia Jones, Director General of the Municipality, hosted the sessions.
Prior to the discussions, residents introduced themselves and talked about their interests and hobbies.
The main topic of discussion was “How would you improve your community as it relates to seniors.” Many suggestions were put forward: transportation to various activities; health care geographics (access to Ontario specialists); good cellular and internet service; recreational activities such as snowshoe trails, skating, bowling, and walking trails; better sidewalks; and organized bus tours. Other suggestions included developing the municipal property in St. Joseph and more use of the St. Joseph Centre for Families and Seniors and improving the municipal docks. The public library, located in Dr. Wilbert Keon School, was mentioned where volunteer opportunities are available.
“How do we get the word out about events happening in the municipality?” was a question raised. More communication by newsletters, welcome packages, Canada Post, email, a calendar of events posted in public places, digital signage, and word of mouth were suggestions made.
Support from the municipality with projects chosen by non-profit groups was stressed as essential to their success. A survey to help update the current seniors’ policy was handed out to participants. The responses will be used to help determine what improvements are needed, so that seniors can fully participate in all aspects of life. Anyone with suggestions or questions can contact the Municipal Office at (819) 689-2266.