PHS Film Festival


Pontiac High School (PHS) held their second annual film festival before the holidays showcasing some terrific student films; the festival was organized by teacher Jordan Kent. According to the PHS Face Book page, Grade 11 students screened films that they created for English class, based on poems. The festival event celebrated their hard work and artistic talent. A trailer can be seen at, and the links to the films are available on the PHS Facebook page.

The winners of the festival were: Best Cinematography: William Dale – “Self-Portrait”; Best Director: Laura Mayhew – “Headwinds”; Best Artistic Vision: Sid Sharpe – “Comfort”; People’s Choice: Evan Rebertz-Laroche – “I Feel the Sun”; Best Storytelling: Peyton Ireland – “Comfort”

PHOTO: Laura Mayhew, who won for Best Director in the PHS Film Fesitval.