Where is your outrage?


I support the opposition to Madam Toller’s “Energy from Waste” project, which on the surface seems to make sense, but in reality, requires much more infrastructure than the Pontiac provides at the moment. Even our road network cannot support the trucks and tonnage that EFW requires. If Ms. Toller can obtain an expression of interest from the City of Ottawa (the main provider of waste), then we can set to work on these necessary preliminaries. To compare Pontiac to modern Denmark is silly.

However, what really puzzles me is the uproar over EFW, compared to the lack of anger over the federal government’s plan to build a mammoth radioactive dump just on our border, on unceded land, and much too close to the Ottawa River. I guess people know what household garbage is, but really don’t understand radioactivity, which lasts hundreds of thousands of years.

And since our MP, Ms. Chatel, will not lead our opposition to the radioactive dump, we must make sure she loses her job at the next election – to “sponsor” a petition is not leadership. We have always voted Liberal, but not this time.

“Our” MP is a minor question: the vital question for us is where is all this anti-EFW energy when it comes to signing Chatel’s petition merely questioning the gigantic radioactive dump? That’s a real question, folks. Where is your outrage? Please show it, now more than ever!

Marcella Walsh